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(we can't wait to meet you!)
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We believe our best shot at spiritual growth happens in the context of sharing our lives—when we study together in living rooms, have conversations over coffee, gather to enjoy common interests, or go out into the world to help those around us.
New here? Visitors are welcomed. Check-in at our welcome desk after service to learn about Jenkins Memorial, ask any questions and help us get to know you.
Jenkins Memorial Church
Where the Love of Jesus can be Received, Experienced and Shared in a Community Guided by Grace
Ministries / Volunteer:
UP: Serving on Sundays
Worship: Music, praise band, vocals, choir, handbells (both youth and adult), staging, arts and creative storytelling
Tech: Sound booth, media, creative, website, YouTube, video, audio, photography
Nursery/Student Sunday School: leaders and helpers
IN: Serving the Family
Hospitality: Sunday ushers, greeters, parking lot, maintenance/groundskeeping, set-up, meals for shut-ins
Small Groups: Crossfire Youth Group, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Bible Study, Youth Group, Ladies Aid, Church Deacon Prayer, Youth GenOn Summer Camp and Community Groups
OUT: Serving Others
Those Less Fortunate - By resourcing food, goods, services and needs through Sunshine Ministry and NCEON.
Community Health – Parrish Nurse Program, Adopted ER and Hospital, Military Family Resource
Spiritual Health – Vacation Bible School, five-fold assessment, mentoring, community presence and involvement
Get connected
Get connected with one of our small groups or Bible studies.
We would love to get to know you, develop and share groups and resources that are available.
Participant or sponsor of community events, such as our Harvest Festival, chocolate Easter egg sales (1,500+ chocolate eggs sold in 2023), Easter Egg park scramble, Strawberry Festival, Chili cook-off, all-you-can-eat soup and sandwich days, pancake breakfasts, musical activities, Vacation Bible School, [Your Idea Here], etc.
We listen to "What is God saying to us?" to discern priorities, and then we ask, "What are we going to do about it?" to guide our resources. Love is an action word, and our circumstances are ever-changing.
Call the church office at
(410) 437-2846 or email:
Pastor/Discipleship Steve DeLisle
Secretary Sherry Kruger
Sunday School Bob Kruger
Worship/Music Cristina Prince
Men's Groups Ken Kretzinger
Women's Groups Ladies Aid - Ginger Lusby
Women's Wokout - Dawn Lupo
Studio 133 - Tina DeLisle (art/craft)
Bible Study Pastor Steve 10:30am Wed Sept-May
2022 Survey says?
2022 JMC Survey Results
Approximately 10% of the congregation submitted surveys over a two weeks in fall 2022. The majority of responders have attended JMC for 15+ years. The top responses to the three questions to get a pulse on JMC are:
Question 1: Why did you choose JMC as your home church?
Most important: Spiritual Family, followed by Biblical Preaching, then Inspiration & Encouragement
Question 2: What are the top "values" that inspire you to recommend JMC to others?
Most important: Biblical Preaching, followed by Spiritual Family, then Inspiration & Encouragement
Question 3: Where would you recommend JMC invest resources, time and talent?
Most important: Community Service Opportunities, followed by Children's & Youth Programs, and Groups (Small Groups and Bible Studies)
We are listening! Members who did not submit a survey and want to provide feedback can use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of this page. Stay tuned for more insights from our Share Team regarding places you can serve will be coming soon!
Blessings, and thank you!