Welcome to
Jenkins Memorial Church
A growing community of people authentically pursuing God and committed to showing love like Jesus to those we meet along the way.
Senior Pastor
Steve DeLisle and Tina
Steve DeLisle and Tina
Welcome to Jenkins Memorial Church, where we focus on connecting you with Jesus, not religion. At Jenkins we unite as a family, worshiping together, learning and serving.
United by God’s love freely given through Jesus, it is our desire for everyone to grow closer to Jesus! Hopefully, you will be encouraged and feel God’s love at Jenkins Memorial Church or wherever we meet. We joyfully use our skills, talents and resources to share God’s Love with our community and the world.
In this messed up world, no one is perfect and together we are stronger, sharing the abundance and Good News by loving God and loving our neighbors. Be kind, be light in the dark, be back soon.
Pastor Steve has been a lead pastor for 25+ years • coordinated mission teams in Central America • was a cowboy • theater set professional • enjoys sailing • likes to learn and try new things (just don't ask him to sing!)
We believe gifts are demonstrated and modeled throughout the church body by everyday people, rather than only by a few paid staff. We believe God desires all of his people to be leaders in his church in some way. Jenkins Memorial Church has two leadership teams: 1) Board of Trustees; and 2) Deacons.
2024 JMC Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees gives accountability oversight in the areas of spiritual, doctrinal, and financial health of the church.
Congregational Board Chairman Tracey Douglas Ewald
Board of Trustees Chairperson Trish Schneider
5 other elected Trustees
2024 JMC Deacons: Our Deacons are servant leaders who use their gifts to provide resource and support to the overall church family, and encourage connections with our community.
Bob Kruger
Lynn Stenner
Rich Drgos (Emeritus, past Congregational Board Chairman)
Our Story ...
Who We Are and What We Believe?
Purpose Statement: Jenkins Memorial Church exists to bring God’s New Life to the Pasadena area. We do that by being connected to Jesus so that he might flow to us in salvation and new life, and flow out through us into the world.
How Do We Do What We Do…?
B R A N C H E S: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5
Believers in Jesus the Christ
Redeemed Disciples of Jesus
Ambassadors of Christ for God
New Creations in Christ
Compassionate Caring Community
Humble Disciples serving others
Engaged pilgrims in this world
Sent to proclaim the Good News of Jesus
What we Believe
God is Love
God clearly expressed that love in Jesus
God invites everyone to live in His love
God’s love is free to anyone who calls on Jesus to be the Lord of their Life
God created everyone in His image
God wants us to love and value everyone
God’s love can break all the chains of sin, addiction, abuse, and shame
God sets us free when we follow Him
God’s creation is our responsibility
Love God
Worship Him in song and prayer, adore Him, be anchored in faith.
Nourish Family
Loving our church community as we do life together.
Love others in our actions, words and hearts.
History of the growing
“Little Church by the Side of the Road … " est. 1931 (expand section to read more ...)
“Little Church by the Side of the Road … " est. 1931 (expand section to read more ...)
Church History
Magothy Methodist Church was the only year-round Protestant Church in the Pasadena, Maryland area in the early 1900’s. Rev. Charles S. Harrison served as pastor from 1920-1927. In 1927 he was transferred elsewhere in Maryland and Pennsylvania, but due to his youngest daughter Norva’s health, he returned to the Baltimore area. Rev. Harrison found employment as pastor of Community Methodist Church in Riviera Beach, a part-time assignment in the Riviera Beach summer cottage community where the church was open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. To supplement his income, Rev. Harrison sold home staples such as butter, eggs, coffee, and tea in Anne Arundel County. He invited his customers to church, and they came. These folks needed a church that was open year-round.
A local resident of the area, James Jenkins, offered to donate the land for the construction of a year-round church if Rev. Harrison desired to organize one. Rev. Harrison withdrew from the Methodist Conference to open a year-round church. On the porch of the Benway Home in Riviera Beach, Jenkins Memorial Church was started as an independent church dedicated to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to opening its doors to all people to worship God.
In 1931 the original church building was dedicated to the service of God. In January 1941, the Jenkins Memorial Church was incorporated, and a Charter was adopted by the congregation and registered in the State of Maryland. Our church bears the name of the family who so graciously donated the ground on which the church was built. The building has grown with the needs of the community, including a new front entry, handicap ramp, fellowship hall, sanctuary and tech updates, but most importantly nurturing hands and kind hearts to grow true connection and relationship with Jesus are the core of Jenkins Memorial Church.